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Permanent Group for Telecommunication Terminology (MOTO)

MOTO was founded in 1989 by the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) to cover the need for representing the new telecommunication concepts by Greek terms for use both by OTE's staff and services and by the Greek Translation Services of the European Union, as well as by any other person concerned within the telecommunications sector. MOTO started its work (first meeting) at OTE's Telecommunications Development Centre (KTILA), on 4 December 1989.

According to the Founding Decision, the general lines of MOTO's task are:

- collecting, evaluating and definitizing the Greek telecommunications terms already used, by utilizing all available sources,

- Hellenizing, according to the Terminology principles, the terms already used in their foreign forms,

- immediately considering the new imported foreign terms, producing their Greek equivalents, and widely disseminating the latter and

- continually compiling and updating a "Dynamic Dictionary of Telecommunication Terms", and at times (e.g. every other year) publishing "snapshots" of this dictionary

Almost immediately (March 1990), MOTO became part of the national system of the Hellenic Telecommunications Standardization, in which a central role is played by the Technical Committee "Telecommunications" (TE-T), according to the "OTE-ELOT Memorandum of Understanding for the standardization in the telecommunications sector", which has been countersigned by both the Minister of Transport & Communications and the Minister of Development. Eversince, MOTO has been the most active working group of the sixteen working goups of TE-T's (see figure). MOTO worked under OTE till 2011. Ever since MOTO has been working under thw Hellenic Society for Terminology, being its most productive collective member.

TE-T and participating bodies

The members of MOTO, today, are:

Kostas Valeontis, physicist, electronics and radio scientist, telecom engineer (founding member), Chairman of MOTO
Nikos Apostolakis, physicist, electronics and radio scientist, telecom engineer, OTE
Theofilos Vamvakos, mechanical-electrical engineer, telecom engineer, OTE
Spyros Voulodimos, mechanical-electrical engineer, telecom engineer, OTE (founding member)
Katerina Zeriti, philologist, translator, MSc in Terminology, ΟΤΕ International
Michalis Karamichalis, mechanical-electrical engineer, telecom engineer
Nikos Konstantakakis, industrial psychologist, OTE (founding member)
Charalampos Mousouros, electrical-electronic engineer (ΥΠΑΝ)
Anna Nikolaki philologist, translator, ΟΤΕ.
Tzanos Orfanos, physicist, electronics and radio scientist, OTE
Dimitris Synodinos, physicist, electronics and radio scientist, telecom engineer, OTE (founding member)
Georgios Tsiamas, mechanical-electrical engineer, telecom engineer, OTE (founding member)

1989-2004: Fifteen years of production of telecommunications terms

MOTO's products can be divided into ordinary programme products and extraordinary programme products. The former comprise publications with telecommunication terms and definitions (ELOT standards or other documents) and Vocabularies of telecommunication terms, while the latter comprise a Quadrilingual Dictionary of telecommunication terms and a number of term collections for the EU Terminology Bank Eurodicautom (see diagram below).

The Database of telecommunication terms TELETERM was created in 1990 as a dBase III-Plus database and was transformed into a MS Access database in 1999.

Today the TELETERM Base contains about 115.000 correspondences of Greek-English terms and about 3.600 correspondences of Greek-English-French-German terms.

The field structure of the Base comprises the following basic fields:

English term error-free second
English abbreviation EFS
Greek term ασφάλματο δευτερόλεπτο
Greek abbreviation EFS
French term seconde sans erreur
French abbreviation SSE
German term fehlerfreie Sekunde
German abbreviation EFS
Foreign language reference source IEC 50(704)
Greek language reference source ΕΛΟΤ 1300.04
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